Returend data structures
Status table
The Status table is returned by the info() method and contains all informations which the API provides.
{ Agent = { DeviceName = "NETIO 4ALL Demo", JSONVer = "2.1", Model = "NETIO 4All", NumOutputs = 4, OemID = 0, SerialNumber = "24:A4:2C:39:11:5A", Time = "2018-08-15T18:44:28+01:00", Uptime = 490866, VendorID = 0, Version = "3.1.0" }, GlobalMeasure = { EnergyStart = "2018-01-19T13:30:26+00:00", Frequency = 50.1, OverallPowerFactor = 0, TotalCurrent = 0, TotalEnergy = 2253, TotalLoad = 0, Voltage = 239.1 }, Outputs = { { Action = 6, Current = 0, Delay = 5000, Energy = 0, ID = 1, Load = 0, Name = "output_1", PowerFactor = 0, State = 1 }, { Action = 6, Current = 0, Delay = 5000, Energy = 0, ID = 2, Load = 0, Name = "output_2", PowerFactor = 0, State = 1 }, { Action = 6, Current = 0, Delay = 5000, Energy = 2081, ID = 3, Load = 0, Name = "output_3", PowerFactor = 0, State = 0 }, { Action = 6, Current = 0, Delay = 5000, Energy = 172, ID = 4, Load = 0, Name = "output_4", PowerFactor = 0, State = 1 } } }
Agent table
The Agent table is returned by the general_info() method and contains the Agent part of the Status table.
{ DeviceName = "NETIO 4ALL Demo", JSONVer = "2.1", Model = "NETIO 4All", NumOutputs = 4, OemID = 0, SerialNumber = "24:A4:2C:39:11:5A", Time = "2018-08-15T18:44:28+01:00", Uptime = 490866, VendorID = 0, Version = "3.1.0" }
GlobalMeasure table
The GlobalMeasure table is returned by the measure_info() method and contains the GlobalMeasure part of the Status table.
{ EnergyStart = "2018-01-19T13:30:26+00:00", Frequency = 50.1, OverallPowerFactor = 0, TotalCurrent = 0, TotalEnergy = 2253, TotalLoad = 0, Voltage = 239.1 }
Ouputs table
The Outputs table is returned by the outputs_info() method and contains the Outputs part of the Status table.
- If a specific output is given as parameter, only the nested table with the matching output ID is returned
- The outputs_action() methods (outputs_on() etc.) return the complete outputs table
{ { Action = 6, Current = 0, Delay = 5000, Energy = 0, ID = 1, Load = 0, Name = "output_1", PowerFactor = 0, State = 1 }, { Action = 6, Current = 0, Delay = 5000, Energy = 0, ID = 2, Load = 0, Name = "output_2", PowerFactor = 0, State = 1 }, { Action = 6, Current = 0, Delay = 5000, Energy = 2081, ID = 3, Load = 0, Name = "output_3", PowerFactor = 0, State = 0 }, { Action = 6, Current = 0, Delay = 5000, Energy = 172, ID = 4, Load = 0, Name = "output_4", PowerFactor = 0, State = 1 } }